Homework 1.1. Personal Introduction.

"Creativity takes courage." -Henri Matisse


My name is Stephanie, and I am a graduate student in the field of art education, seeking my initial certification in New York City. I have a background in painting and drawing, and I received my Bachelor's degree in 2013 from James Madison University, where I majored in Art History and Italian. I have since worked in various capacities for law firms, galleries, summer camps, and as a nanny to three young boys, eventually following my passion for the arts and my interest in working with children to my current course of study, with which I eventually hope to teach art to children in New York City schools. I also have an interest in Museum Education, and am excited to see where this path takes me! 

I have a limited degree of experience with media and digital technologies as they relate to the arts. I have some experience with the Adobe Suite, including Photoshop and Illustrator, though not to a professional capacity by any measure (I used to make greeting cards as a hobby, and would often use these programs to create and edit my designs). Additionally, I took a sculpture course for my graduate program in Fall 2017 that provided a foundational knowledge of creative technologies such as the 3-D printer, the laser cutter, the digital embroidery machine, and more. However, I still feel as though I have a great deal to learn, and would love to become more comfortable in programs like Adobe Illustrator, in navigating code, and in other creative technologies in general. I am hopeful that over the course of this semester, I am able to gain more confidence in this field! 

Creativity Takes Courage, Stephanie Oniffrey, 2013. Ink on paper. 


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